Thursday, September 26, 2002
something I observed today and shared with jeffy tonight: I really like nickel creek, but admire this side more than I love it. it's a group of kids (they're all three of 'em under 22; they're kids) still figuring shit out, what they can, what they want to do. some of it's pretty damn great. some doesn't quite come together. as opposed to home, which to me is the dixie chicks, a great band, at the height of their powers, firing on all cylinders. it never lags (not the same as getting slow), the songwriting is fairly impeccable (whether by them or others), and most of all, the harmonies are strawberries-and-cream perfect. better than me'shell, better than n.e.r.d., dixie chicks have the album to beat this year, just as missy's got the single.