Tuesday, February 11, 2003

"a bidet of evil!": tonight's buffy was so very good. as much as it pains me to say it, ashanti was actually alright as xander's date. and when the hell did xander get such pumped-up pecs? kinda yummy. and it's funny, I was just saying to my roomie how I was kinda bummed that whedon and co. haven't done anything with the fact that little andrew's a big 'mo. glad they gave him a little spotlight - I really have a soft spot for the kid. glad the principal's a good guy, too. and when did anya become so maternal with the gang?

I really hope there's no "out," no spin-off, just one. big. final. bang. a series this good deserves it. and with the first around, it looks like we might just get it.

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