Monday, February 17, 2003
fat joe’s only recorded two songs I’ve ever given a damn about. the first was ‘99’s “betcha man can’t (triz),” which featured big pun, cuban link, and triple seis, and was blissfully all about sex – kind of the hiphop large-and-in-charge I-wanna-sex-you-up remix of joe’s “all the things your man won’t do.” the second is his current single, “all I need,” featuring armageddon and tony sunshine. armageddon, like his compadre joe, is an entirely uninspiring rapper, but sunshine has the voice of an angel; someone (other than joe, I mean) please give him a record deal and slap him with a slew of quiet-storm records (required listening: keith sweat’s make it last forever) – the last thing we need is another r-and-b wanna-be-thug album featuring guest appearances from a dozen rhymers. "need" is an oddly-minor-key track, sorta-sad and drippy, saved by its (I must; I’m sorry) ray of sunshine.