Monday, February 10, 2003
lately, I've been listening quite a bit to what's supposedly a bill laswell remix of sting's "a thousand years." now, I have a hard time believing laswell would remix - or even be asked to do - a sting record, but stranger things have happened (maybe it was an italy-only b-side?). laswell (or whoever) takes sting's rather lovely, evocative piece from brand new day and pulls and accents it, adding muted trumpet throughout (or a mutantrumpet? sounds a bit like laswell collaborator ben neill to me), along with a nicely subtle drum'n'bass backbeat. and tablas, always good. really, truly gorgeous, and a remix which points out the beauty of the original song, rather than completely subverting it into something of the remixer's choosing-cum-creation (not that that's always bad, mind you).