Sunday, February 09, 2003
who else thinks t.a.t.u. learned to sing in english phonetically? 'cause their english is really, really, wonderfully bad. 'course, I'm sure they don't care a bit - amazing what a little teenage-schoolgirl-faux-lesbian tittilation'll get you these days (like the uk's #1 single for two weeks running). 'course, having a great, completely bombastic, this-defines-over-the-top-production (oh, hello, mr. horn!) pop single helps. I'm annoyed that justin got stuck in the runners-up position yet again (same thing happened to "like I love you" last fall), but at least it wasn't friggin' oasis (new at #3 with "songbird" - remember when they used to not be shite, circa "cigarettes and alcohol"?).