Saturday, June 28, 2003

Buzz Bin 1992
therealsubmeat: ok, so one more year?
Crisafer: yeah
Crisafer: 92
therealsubmeat: and we didn't even address Seal.
Crisafer: the year i pledged a fraternity
therealsubmeat: didn't you say you got burned out on his first?
Crisafer: and the year clinton won
therealsubmeat: the year I went back to college.
Crisafer: seal?
therealsubmeat: yeah
Crisafer: it's just a little too
Crisafer: something
therealsubmeat: nah
therealsubmeat: it's a near-perfect album.
Crisafer: ah, i just wasn't a big fan
Crisafer: ok, onto 92
therealsubmeat: ah, UTAH SAINTS! U-U-U-UTAH SAINTS!
therealsubmeat: wow
therealsubmeat: there's someone here I don't remember at all.
Crisafer: who?
therealsubmeat: Mark Curry??
therealsubmeat: was he related to Adam?
Crisafer: haha
Crisafer: unsung
therealsubmeat: oh, no - they misspelled Helmet.
Crisafer: ugly video
therealsubmeat: "100%" back-to-back w/"Tomorrow"!
Crisafer: i'm serious--you and i should approach about editorial positions
therealsubmeat: that's fine with me!
Crisafer: temple of the dog
therealsubmeat: we know more than their research dep't anyway
therealsubmeat: amazing album.
Crisafer: "would?" from the Singles soundtrack, i believe
therealsubmeat: "Hunger Strike" is the highlight, but there's not a dud.
therealsubmeat: yeah, AIC's best single
therealsubmeat: those FNM singles in '92 were sad
therealsubmeat: MTV wanted to help them so bad
Crisafer: faith no more--a band with one of my imaginary boyfriends
therealsubmeat: yes, yes, Roddy BOTTUM
Crisafer: he could be roddy top or bottum with me
Crisafer: have you seen his arms?
therealsubmeat: Soundgarden, AIC, Pearl Jam, Screaming Trees - everyone except Nirvana's here
therealsubmeat: cuz Nirvana were already too big for Buzz
Crisafer: speaking of editing--why is social distortion's Bad Luck listed twice?
therealsubmeat: I noticed that too.
Crisafer: under the bridge--blood sugar sex magick
Crisafer: seminal album
therealsubmeat: I guess...
therealsubmeat: I've never been a big fan of that one.
Crisafer: yeah
therealsubmeat: I honestly think Mother's Milk was their last great album. does that make me a snob?
therealsubmeat: "they were cool before they got popular..."
Crisafer: no, many other things make you a snob
therealsubmeat: ok, good
Crisafer: breaking the girl is my favorite track off that album though
therealsubmeat: Arrested Development. I hear they're still big in Japan.
Crisafer: what happened to them?
Crisafer: really?
therealsubmeat: really.
therealsubmeat: fun fact: in '91, Spin named Teenage Fanclub's Bandwagonesque album of the year. Nevermind was #2.
Crisafer: haha
Crisafer: only you would know that
Crisafer: and bob guccione jr.
therealsubmeat: and history has certainly proved them right.
therealsubmeat: I mean, who could've imagined the career Teenage Fanclub have had?
Crisafer: maybe flock of seagulls?
therealsubmeat: actually, they had a great song with De La.
therealsubmeat: on the - oh, hell, what was the soundtrack?
therealsubmeat: the one that mixed the rock and hiphop bands.
Crisafer: oh
Crisafer: that movie
therealsubmeat: Cypress and Sonic Youth
Crisafer: with emilio estevez
Crisafer: what was it
therealsubmeat: shit! hold on
Crisafer: isn't that the one with
Crisafer: house of pain and
Crisafer: ugh
Crisafer: i hate forgetting
therealsubmeat: I'm calling someone who knows.
Crisafer: phone-a-friend
therealsubmeat: Pearl Jam and someone
Crisafer: our friends at AT&T have connected us with...
Crisafer: i think it was something nigth
Crisafer: night even
Crisafer: like devil's night, but not that
therealsubmeat: Judgement Night!
Crisafer: yes!!
therealsubmeat: good man.
therealsubmeat: you win.
therealsubmeat: my friend wasn't home anyway, Regis forget to check first
Crisafer: just one word and i'm a winner?
Crisafer: wow, you're easy
therealsubmeat: well, that one word got me the other word.
therealsubmeat: like Sunday morning, baby.
Crisafer: notice that mtv is still pushing for midnight oil
therealsubmeat: I almost mentioned that
therealsubmeat: trying so hard
therealsubmeat: XTC, too
Crisafer: that was a good song though
therealsubmeat: yeah
Crisafer: how about the beasites
therealsubmeat: "So Whatcha Want"!
Crisafer: beasties even
therealsubmeat: I was just typing that
therealsubmeat: that video!
Crisafer: they dressed so grunge
Crisafer: flannels all around
therealsubmeat: ah, Check Your Head...
therealsubmeat: think I still have that on cassette, too
therealsubmeat: (I was late coming to CDs)
Crisafer: their high point for me
therealsubmeat: not till '93.
Crisafer: ouch
therealsubmeat: shit, I still play RECORDS, Chrisafer.
Crisafer: check your head is amazing front to back
therealsubmeat: it is.
therealsubmeat: you know, I always liked "Paper Doll" a lot.
Crisafer: ugh
therealsubmeat: I have this theory about PM Dawn
therealsubmeat: and try to forget their horrible Boomerang song.
Crisafer: pm dawn is what happens when easy listening and hip hop fuck
therealsubmeat: oh, c'mon, the Spandau sample??
therealsubmeat: I always compared them to Edie Brickell
therealsubmeat: too hippie for their own good
Crisafer: but they didn't marry paul simon
Crisafer: that would have made them much better
therealsubmeat: as far as we know.
therealsubmeat: no, it wouldn't've.
therealsubmeat: I wish Paul Simon were dead.
Crisafer: maybe they were hitting on Garfunkel the whole time
therealsubmeat: lol
Crisafer: wasn't jeremy this year too?
Crisafer: one of my favorite videos
therealsubmeat: no
therealsubmeat: see the bottom: "Alive"
Crisafer: sure?
therealsubmeat: "Jeremy" was a '93 single
Crisafer: oh
therealsubmeat: of course I am.
therealsubmeat: Ten was '92, though.
Crisafer: but i swear it was on in the summer of 92
therealsubmeat: nope.
Crisafer: when i lived at my dad's
Crisafer: i really think it was 92
therealsubmeat: is that a wrap?
Crisafer: well, no we need to settle this
Crisafer: when did jeremy come out?
therealsubmeat: '93.
therealsubmeat: it was like the fourth single.
Crisafer: i think you're wrong
therealsubmeat: I know you're wrong.
Crisafer: sigh
therealsubmeat: cut me some slack. I knew "The Sweater."
Crisafer: yeah
Crisafer: but i'm right here
Crisafer: i swear
Crisafer: jeremy came out in 92
Crisafer: that summer i lived at my dads
Crisafer: and watched mtv all the time
therealsubmeat: ok, hold on
Crisafer: that was when the real world started
Crisafer: with eric and heather b and julie
therealsubmeat: I stand corrected. *bows to Chrisafer*
therealsubmeat: allmusic says "Jeremy" hit #5 on the Modern Rock chart in 1992.
Crisafer: thank you
therealsubmeat: can you post this? I'm going to go commit hari-kari now.
Crisafer: don't fuck with me when it comes to television
Crisafer: you may know music
Crisafer: but i am tv

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