Thursday, July 31, 2003

Well, of course Bush is opposed to gay marriage. Did you really expect anything else (unless, of course, you're a Log Cabin Republican, in which case I find you to be anathema and have no idea what to say to you other than Wake up!)? He wants to have it both ways, pretending to be our friend while stabbing us - in the chest (why bother with the back? He doesn't care who knows). And once again, I'm left befuddled as to what the President of a country which supports (ostensibly) separation of church and state is doing citing "sinners" in a Rose Garden press conference. Oh, that's right - Bushie doesn't give a damn, 'cause he seems to think he was elected Dictator. Or is that Ashcroft? It's so hard to tell these days. Dean in 2004, y'all.

Addendum x 2: Anyone else notice that many of the arguments being used against gay marriage are eerily similar to those used some 40 years ago against interracial marriage? And the Log Cabin Republicans? "[G]ay advocacy group," my ass. How 'bout a bunch of moneyed fags who want everything to stay the way it's always been? "Gay Republican" makes as much damn sense as "Nazi Jew." Infer what you will.

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