Tuesday, January 13, 2004
submeat's top 100 tracks of 2003: songs to download and love
#72 "Sound of the Underground," Girls Aloud (Polydor UK)
Instakit pop should never be this good. But when you shoehorn surf guitar, d'n'b beats, little techoid touches here and there, and five brassy girls whowonatelevisionpopstarcompetitionandaren'tsingingsomestupidlimpballad into a trad 3:37 pop song format, one of two things will happen: either it will be a wretched failure, or it'll be something marvelous. This doesn't fail. The sound of the overground getting down, more like.
#72 "Sound of the Underground," Girls Aloud (Polydor UK)
Instakit pop should never be this good. But when you shoehorn surf guitar, d'n'b beats, little techoid touches here and there, and five brassy girls whowonatelevisionpopstarcompetitionandaren'tsingingsomestupidlimpballad into a trad 3:37 pop song format, one of two things will happen: either it will be a wretched failure, or it'll be something marvelous. This doesn't fail. The sound of the overground getting down, more like.