Tuesday, March 16, 2004

I've decided to do my own NCAA men's bracket pool-slash-contest this year: I present to you submeat's 2004 tournament challenge! Email me your winners in each round, along with the final score of the national championship game, no later than Thursday 3/18 at 12 noon. The winner will get a selection of homemade CDs, including the C700 Go! Prince, Vol. 1 and 2001 discs, along with a copy of my top 100 of 2003, and a fourth disc tailor-made-to-order. Gentlemen (and ladies, though I don't think I have many female readers), start your brackets! And did I mention it's free? [Please make sure the email you send your picks from is one you check regularly, in case I have any questions/clarifications which need to be addressed before the tournament starts.]

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