Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Speed round:

In shocking news, Guns 'N Roses has cancelled an upcoming concert appearance and - whaddaya know? - is still recording. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Axl Rose, the new century's Howard Hughes.

Read this article carefully: Edwyn Collins is gonna have a song on the Girls Gone Wild album?! I mean, even though I assume it'll be "A Girl Like You"... Edwyn Collins???

Betcha CMT is already uncontrollably drooling, and scheduling a Loretta Lynn weekend around the release of her new album.

The governor and attorney general of Massachusetts are squaring off on gay weddings, in advance of 2006: A Gubernatorial Electoral Odyssey.

While I still wish he'd support gay marriage, John Kerry certainly seems to be hitting on all of the other gay-rights cylinders.

Precedent? We don't need no stinkin' precendent!

From this week's Village Voice, Richard Goldstein on Love (Courtney, that is).

We'll know for certain tomorrow, but based on the numbers coming in at HITS Daily Double (fairly unobtrusive reg. required), it now looks like Usher's gonna clear 1 million in the first week of Confessions. Wowza. And a note to the many Googlers looking for info on the crown prince of R&B: just because Ludacris pronounces it "Ursh*r," there is not a second "r" in his name, mmmkay?

It's official: new episodes of Family Guy in early 2005! Hooray! [Link courtesy of the pretty fab Planet Family Guy.]

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