Thursday, September 30, 2004

Presidential Debate #1
6:07pm PST: Bush is already avoiding questions, not answering Jim Lehrer's second question (Do you think a Kerry election would end up in more terrorism in the U.S.?), because "I don't think that's going to happen," saying that he'll be re-elected, and going off on 2 minutes of "we've gotta stop the terrorists."

6:10pm: I never noticed before how much Bush looks like Alfred E. Neuman.

6:11pm: In response to Lehrer asking what "colossal misjudgements" of Bush's Kerry was referring to, Kerry responded, laughing, "Where do I begin?" Whoa. That's kinda ballsy.

6:13pm: Mr. Hussein's first name is pronounced "sah-DOM," people, not "sodom." I'm embarassed to note that Bush is (tonight) pronouncing it correctly, while Kerry is not.

6:14pm: Jim Lehrer is hard-muthafuckin'-core, a real taskmaster asking tough questions. Why can't we have him moderate every debate, ever?

6:25pm: Bush to troops: "We'll get you home as soon as the mission is done." Funny, don't see you spending 18 months (or such) over there, Bushie. And wow - then Kerry refutes, using Bush I's words against Bush II. Nice one.

6:29pm: The first utterance of the word "Vietnam," by Kerry.

6:31pm: The first utterance of the word "Haliburton," by Kerry.

6:33pm: Bush, frankly, sounds kind of petulant, and increasingly pissed off. I think we're getting the "vs. Weld" Kerry, but not the "vs. Richards" Bush.

6:41pm: The first reference to "flip-flopping" by Bush, phrased as "changing positions."

6:42pm: Kerry seems to be doing a good job of being succinct. This really is a different Kerry than the one we generally see on the stump.

6:46pm: Kerry's first reference to

6:48pm: C-SPAN rocks. I'm watching the debate on their main channel, with their "Debate Podium Watch," a splitscreen with both candidates always on camera. [C-SPAN2 is only showing the candidate speaking at any given time.] Flipped over to NBC and ABC, and was glad to see that they're ignoring the "rules" regarding showing candidates from the back, et cetera.

6:54pm: Bush is holding up Libya as a U.S. foreign policy victory?!

6:55pm: I love Kerry's continued use of "outsourc[ing]" to refer to Bush's handing the job of getting bin Laden to Afghan warlords - nice way to tie it in with Bush's jobs policies here in the U.S.

7:01pm: Kerry is starting to seem to have a little swagger, almost like he knows he's winning this debate. Eager to hear what the CNN analysts think.

7:04pm: Kerry's doing a very nice job hammering away at the Bush administration's stance on North Korea.

7:06pm: Wow! Lehrer is asking a question about Sudan! Very impressive. I'm so glad that all of this debate, focusing on foreign policy, isn't about Iraq and Al-Qeida.

7:16pm: It just occurred to me that I don't think I've seen Kerry take a single drink of water yet. Does the man have bizarrely overactive saliva glands?

7:21pm: I like Bush's necktie more (it's bluish-green), but think Kerry's red power tie looks more presidential.

7:24pm: Bush needs to stop saying "We looked at the same intelligence," regarding the war. So?

7:28pm: Bush, in his closing statement, made a point of stating that under him, ours would continue to be "an all-volunteer Army" - interesting that he's apparently feeling the heat of those suggesting the draft would be reinstituted under his watch.

Senator Kerry so won this debate.

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