Thursday, September 27, 2007

"Are you telling me there's someone out there who sexualizes me?!"

Kevin Smith on Letterman, talking about his appearance on the cover of A Bear's Life magazine. I am not making this up. The pertinent stuff starts at 3:15, with Letterman opining, "[Here's] the cover of a magazine I am not familiar with." (If you just want the Bear's Life clip, in higher quality, it can be found here.)

Added content: Smith from one of his many lecture tours, talking more explicitly about bears'n'cubs'n'otters, oh my! "You go to a fuckin' bear bar, you'd be Marilyn Monroe." Start at about 2:05.

I like-don't-love Smith as a filmmaker (some gems, some duds), but as a person, he really does seem to rock hard.

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